Key Learning Area
Mathematics Education
1.1 To train students to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics learning. Especially, Level 2 result in DSE mathematics paper is required in university application.
1.2 To train students to develop the specified generic skills, problem solving abilities and the abilities to analyze, process and validate data.
1.3 To develop in students’ self-learning abilities in mathematics and to acquire mathematical knowledge in the IT environment.
1.4 To develop in students’ capabilities to use mathematics to formulate and solve problems in other subjects and daily life.
Department Members

Department Coordinator
Mr. Wong Chi Hang
Ms. Cheng Shing Lai
Mr. Wan Lap Yin
Mr. Chan Chi Hin
Mr. Leung Chi Yuen
Mr. Lee Kai Sum
Mr. Lui Kwong Ching
Mr. Man Yat Cho
Mr. Yip Michael King Nam
Academic Activities
In this cross-curricular STEM activity, students applied their knowledge of Physics to design a shelter. They also employed their I.C.T. skills to collect temperature data using a Micro:bit and analyzed the effectiveness of their prototype using the data analysis techniques they learned in their mathematics lessons.

Guests from the mathematics community, such as university professors or government officials, are invited to share their expertise on mathematics or the applications of mathematics in various fields.

Students participated in various competitions and received awards, including the Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad, Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving competitions, the Hong Kong Youth Mathematical Challenge, and the Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest.