Career and Life Planning

Career & Life Planning Committee

Team Composition

Chairperson Miss Lee Yuk Yi Shirman
Vice Chairperson Mrs Koo Kho Rebecca
Members Mrs. Pun Cheung Yee Shan
Mr. Lee Kai Sum
Mrs. Poon Tse Ka Yuk Carrie
Mr. Hui Chun Kit
Miss Ng Miu Yee (Ad-hoc member)
Mrs. Chan Wong King Shan (Ex-officio)


Missions and Objectives

  • To develop students’ understanding of their interests, potential, abilities, needs and priorities in relation to further study, vocational training and job opportunities

  • To equip students with knowledge about various study paths and the world of work and instill in them proper attitudes towards study and work

  • To enhance students’  career-related competencies/ skills in order to prepare them for further studies and/ or for work as well as for life-long learning

Elsie Tu Improvement Award

Congratulations on Chong Pui Wing and Lee Yuen Chun’s receiving the Improvement Award presented by Elsie Tu Education Fund.  We can all make some daily improvements!!

Ng Teng Fong Scholarship 

Congratulations to Yuen Hau Ling (5A) who received the Ng Teng Fong Scholarship 2022 for her good conduct and academic achievements.

Kowloon City Outstanding Student Award

Congratulations to Ng Sum Yuet and Chong Pui Wing, who were awarded the Outstanding Student Award in the senior secondary section and the Merit Award in the junior secondary section respectively!  The awards are a recognition of their performance in academic study, extra-curricular activities and voluntary services.

Life Buddies programme “Be a Government Official for a Day”

Lee Mei Wai Silvia was selected to join the Life Buddies programme “Be a Government Official for a Day” and job shadowed the Secretary of Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang and the Director of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Mr Eric Pang. Silvia was grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and learnt a lot from it.


Future Stars – Upward Mobility Scholarship

Congratulations to Chiu Adam and Chau Yu Tsang, who were awarded the scholarship to help them achieve their full potential.


The 32nd Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Outstanding Students Selection

Mai Ching Yin was one of the top 20 finalists of 32nd Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Outstanding Students Selection after a few rounds of selection. Congratulations!


Career Week

Career Week is one of the themed weeks in our school and messages on the theme are delivered to the whole student body in the assemblies, lunch time activities and after-school talks/visits. The Week serves as a hidden curriculum, enriching form based career and life planning education.

Career Week 1
Career Week 2
Career Week 1
Career Week 2


Caring School Award

本校榮獲2015年度「關愛校園獎勵計劃」之推動生涯規劃主題大獎。「關愛校園獎勵計劃」香港基督教服務處舉辦,公開表揚積極推廣及實踐關愛文化及表現突出的學校。評審團就學校的關愛工作按以下五個範疇作評選,包括推動關愛校園的信念(Belief);領導者的領導才能 (Leadership);有利孕育關愛校園文化配套、制度、氣氛等環境因素 (Environment);對有需者的實質支援 (Support);樂意交流分享的能力 (Sharing)這些條件簡稱為BLESS

Efforts put together
Efforts put together

Life Camp

Life Camp, a school-based career intervention, is pivotal to individual student planning and career guidance in S5 and S6.  Run in its eighth year, the camp is themed on life planning and team building.  In the camp, students discuss their career test results in relation to their academic and career goals, prepare for transition challenges, explore career options by meeting alumni of different study and work backgrounds, build team spirit and most importantly have fun.

Life Camp 1
Life Camp 2
Life Camp 3
Life Camp 4

Interview Skills Workshop

Every year in May, representatives from the university are invited to speak to the S6 students on how to prepare for admission interviews and a bunch of alumni served as interviewers for over a hundred participants in various disciplines like Arts, Business, Engineering, Health Care, Science and Social Science.  The participants, dressed in smart casual, were well prepared and serious about preparing for their future.

Interview 1 copy
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4


Mentorship Programme

Close to two hundred S4 students in the past few years enrolled on the programme on a voluntary basis.  There was a specific theme each year.  The student participants were matched with the mentees and a workshop on how to conduct an interview and write an article was held to prepare the students.   After meeting up with their mentors, the students said that they felt encouraged and inspired to make plans for their future career and to overcome the hurdles along the way.  Their articles were published, which was a great encouragement.

Mentorship 1
Mentorship 1
Mentorship 2
Mentorship 3

Useful Links

HKSAR Government Education Bureau
Joint University Programmes Admissions Scheme (JUPAS)
Hok Yau Club
Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters
Hong Kong Education Web
Hong Kong Overseas Studies Centre
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