Counseling and Guidance Committee
- To encourage students to develop positive life attitude, to build up and realize their life goals.
- To help students with a better understanding of themselves.
- To help students strengthen their mental health.
- To provide counseling to students who are in need.
- To impart students sex knowledge in addition to the values of love and sex.
- To help S1 students to adapt to the new secondary school environment.
- To strength parents’ support to the students.

Team Composition |
Chairperson |
Mr. Leung Chi Yuen |
Form |
Teachers-in-charge |
1 | Miss Hung Wai Fan |
2 | Mr. Leung Chi Yuen |
3 | Ms. Au Cheung Suk Yi |
4 | Ms. Tsang Yu Ching |
5 | Ms. Ng Lee Chui Chun |
6 | Ms. Chan Hau Yin Jacqueline |
Social Worker |
Mr. Wong Kwok Fai, Miss Chung Mei Na Cindy |
Introduction of Well-being Garden「微語靜林」簡介
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Carmel Secondary School, we are enhancing our campus environment in phases to create more learning spaces and expand possibilities for students, providing them with the best learning experience. Among these efforts, we are renovating the "Roman Square" to offer teachers and students a tranquil space in harmony with nature, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
The Well-being Garden features swings, hexagonal tables, a Chinese herb garden, and bamboo fences displaying scriptures. The centerpiece is the “Labyrinth”. Unlike a maze, there is only one entrance and a clear path. Teachers and students can walk through it, reflecting quietly, observing the surroundings, reading the scriptures, praying quietly and turning their thoughts to God. As shown in the scripture: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
In the 2023-2024 school year, our school collaborated with Breakthrough on the “Art for Well-being Project.” Through lectures, the art creators from Breakthrough guided our Form 2 and Form 4 students to understand physical, mental, and spiritual health. The art instructors led workshops to explore the connection between well-being and craftsmanship, teaching students to express personal needs through handcrafts. These works are integrated into the well-being garden.
We hope the Well-being Garden can become a haven for students’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, allowing them to enjoy tranquility and giving them inspiration. What’s more, it brings about self-discovering through art, enhancing their sense of psychological well-being.
這個空間名為「微語靜林」(名字由 2023-2024 學年 4C 蘇俊諺提供,於命名比賽中被選用),寓意在這個安靜愜意的環境,我們感受微風、 細看落葉,靜聽細雨聲;與朋友靜訴近況,聆聽內心,療癒身心。
在 2023-2024 學年,本校與突破機構合辦「幸福感藝術創作計劃」。突破機構的導師主持講座,讓中二及中四學生認識身心靈健康;創作導師教授藝術工作坊,讓學生發現身心靈健康與工藝創作的關係,並學習用手工藝呈現各人的心靈需求。學生的作品經過整理後,成為身心靈花園的一部分。
“Art for Well-being” - “Emotion-nel” 「幸福感藝術創作計劃」之 《擁抱情隧》
“Art for Well-being” – “Emotion-nel”
In the 2023-2024 school year, Form 2 students, guided by art creators, first learnt to recognize their own emotions. They then used weaving techniques to materialize their emotions, producing their emotional imprints.
After collecting the works from the whole form, the art creators led the core group members to repair and refine their works. Finally, they hung up all the works, forming a tunnel of emotional imprints.
The colours of the pieces along the tunnel have special meaning: the outer part features deep tones, while the center displays various colours, symbolizing emotions being surrounded and protected, which creates a safe environment for the expression of emotions. Similar colours are placed together, representing the need for companionship on the journey of emotional expression. The creators intentionally left a blank space in one corner of the tunnel, allowing teachers and students to look up at the sky and feel their current emotions.
We hope that as teachers and students walk through the tunnel, they will savor the emotional changes of others and discover their own emotional colours.
在 2023-2024 學年,中二級同學在創作導師的指導下,學習先覺察自身情緒,再藉編織技巧將情緒實體化,編織出屬於自己的情緒印記。
S1 students receive a warm welcome as senior students guide them through various activities to help them become familiar with the campus and community.
A month into the school year, S1 students unite for a delightful lunch reunion, brimming with games, laughter, and thoughtful gifts graciously provided by their senior form counterparts.
A team of S4 students organized a series of student-oriented activities aimed at enhancing resilience and fostering social skills among their schoolmates, with sponsorship from Woofoo Social Enterprises.
A platform for fun, relaxation and connectedness among students and teachers at the beginning of the week.
Provide support packs and messages on the board to encourage our S6 students as they prepare for the HKDSE.
The theme week “Shall We Walk” was held. Experiential activities such as n-legged race, collective drawing and kindness-sharing fostered empathy, active participation, and kindness among students.
A Mother’s Day sale was held to express our gratitude to mothers, emphasize the importance of filial piety, and support the mental well-being of parents at home.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery through engaging horticulture activities.
Useful links
Student Mental Health Information Online
Youth Can
Open Up