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Awards & Prizes Presentation(Mar 2015)
3 photos
163 photos in 6 sub-albums -
Music Appreciation Assembly
48 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation(Feb 2015)
19 photos
Orchestra Lunch Concert 13-02-2015
11 photos
15 photos
Leadership Day Camp
42 photos
Students-Teachers Games
81 photos
Houses AGM
79 photos
Student Leaders Inauguration
13 photos
50th Annual Sports Days
464 photos in 5 sub-albums
Awards & Prizes Presentation(Dec 2014)
4 photos
56 photos
14 photos
207 photos
Alumni Association Scholarship for 2014 graduates
1 photo
50th Anniversary
1449 photos in 9 sub-albums
50th Anniversary Special Assembly
36 photos
S1 Parents Gathering
47 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation(Oct 2014)
8 photos
World Robot Olympiad 2014
13 photos in 2 sub-albums
20 photos
2014-2015 年度迦密中學教職員全家福
2 photos
Opening Ceremony
22 photos
16 photos
Inter-school Girls Basketball Champion
17 photos
PTA Gathering
118 photos
Counselling Week
126 photos in 3 sub-albums
74 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation(May 2015)
10 photos
In-school English Drama Performance - Dreamers
9 photos
Improvised Drama Competition 'Speak Out--Act Up!'
6 photos
16 photos
Inter-houses debating Final
24 photos
Inter-school Girls Basketball Award Presentation
13 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation(Jun 2015)
19 photos
Talk by alumnus, Mr. Adans Ko
6 photos
The 48th Speech Day
147 photos
9 photos
110 photos
Stand Out Carmelians
132 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation(Jul 2015)
28 photos
13 photos
The 6th Swimming Gala
140 photos
Closing Ceremony
94 photos
龔錦添校長, 梁葉友老師榮休晚宴
574 photos