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- S. 1 English Bridging Program 2007 Closing Ceremony 154 photos
- S. 1 English Bridging Program 2007 84 photos
- S.1 Science Bridging Course 2007 42 photos
- 家長教師會活動-----義工重聚日 89 photos
- School Closing Ceremony 224 photos
- Post-Exam Activities 672 photos in 14 sub-albums
- 升旗禮 30 photos
- 2007傑出旅團聯合集會 225 photos
- 社際辯論比賽 38 photos
- 40 th Speech Day 229 photos
- Spelling Bee 36 photos
- Trip to Guangzhou 48 photos
- Let's Folk !---Teachers Singing On The Stage 29 photos
- Barbecue for English Ambassadors 28 photos
- AFS Inter-cultural Fair 50 photos
- 時事論壇 24 photos
- The FIRST LEGO League Nano Quest World Festival 31 photos
- Inter School Volleyball Competition2006---2007 Division One Girls and Division Two Girls 3 photos
- Outstanding Actor 2 photos
- 2007 English Drama Festival Programme(Our School has won the awards of The Best Script and The Best Music) 2 photos
- 校政論壇 23 photos
- 升旗禮 18 photos
- 教與學分享(勇敢發問) 7 photos
- Learning Without Walls 144 photos in 4 sub-albums
- 普通話常識問答比賽 44 photos
- Merit Prize in Action, Blue Sky Photography Competition 1 photo
- 在香港電台主辨的第三屆傳媒初體驗計劃獲季軍 2 photos
- 在香港電台主辨的第三屆傳媒初體驗計劃獲最佳新聞剪接獎及優異獎 2 photos
- 在香港電腦教育學會主辦的學習如此多紛2007專題研習設計比賽獲最具創意獎及最佳專題研習獎 2 photos
- 在香港青年協會主辦的「香港 FLL 創意機械人大賽」中獲得全場總冠軍 1 photo
- Inter-house Debating Competition 37 photos
- 班際排球比賽 128 photos
- 家長教師會工作坊-----青少年管教竅門 20 photos
- 書展 21 photos
- Mathematics Olympiad 4 photos
- Inter-Class Scrabble Competition 3 photos
- Inter-House Odyssey of the Mind Competition 5 photos in 3 sub-albums
- Certificate of Participation HKBA Debating Competition 2006—2007 (outstanding performance) 2 photos
- Second Clubs' Day (9/3/2007) 136 photos in 11 sub-albums
- 中三同學選科晚會 31 photos
- 本校初中同學參加青年協會主辦的「香港FLL 創意機械人大賽」,獲全場總冠軍,並會於2007年4月代表香港到美國亞特蘭大參加世界賽。 50 photos
- 親子衝突處理 16 photos
- 宗教週-----你是尊貴抑或微小 8 photos
- 校際戲劇比賽 84 photos
- 家長教師會聯誼日 92 photos
- 新春社際環區跑 15 photos
- 歲晚清潔大行動 20 photos
- 7B, 5C are the winners of Heart-to-Heart Competition held by the SU 2 photos
- The classes who won the Christmas Board Design Competition organized by the SU 2 photos
- The best monitors and monitresses 2 photos
- The Champions of Speech Festival, Chinese Session 3 photos
- The Champion of Speech Festival, English Session 2 photos
- 不再迷網 家長講座 9 photos
- Careers Week 74 photos in 3 sub-albums
- 家長教師會---義工聯誼會 15 photos
- Inter-School 3-on-3 Basketball Friendly Match with Hong Kong Tang King Po College Secondary School on 12-11-2006 57 photos
- 第三十屆青少盃排球賽女子中級組季軍 2 photos
- Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows—Symphonic Band Contest ( Secondary School Class :Intermediate A ) Bronze Prize 2 photos
- Chinese Drum Competition 2nd Runner-up The Best Team Pattern 4 photos
- 香港童軍總會東九龍地域徵文比賽中級組優獎 3B 陶靜儀 2 photos