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Farewell Banquet for Retiring Teachers
71 photos
12/7 Closing Ceremony
110 photos
4-7/7 Post Exam OLE Days
70 photos
30/6 Assembly - Farewell to retiring teachers
48 photos
28-30/6 Post Exam OLE Days
159 photos
27/6 S3 Trip to Ma Wan (Noah's Ark)
47 photos
27/6 S2 Microbit Hovercraft Fun Day
50 photos
23/6 Speech Day
224 photos
29/6 Awards & Prize Presentation
29 photos
26/6 S1 Inter-class Volleyball Competition
66 photos
23/5 Awards and Prize Giving Ceremony
8 photos
Virtue-pursuing Trilogy
53 photos
25/4 Awards and Prize Giving Ceremony
10 photos
20/4 Religious Week
24 photos
19/4 Flag Raising Ceremony
15 photos
18/4 Teacher's Day
10 photos
30/3 Easter Worship
17 photos
10/3 S3 Parents Night
13 photos
7/3 Counselling Week
33 photos
28/2 Charity Sale
10 photos
28/2 Awards and Prize Giving Ceremony
9 photos
14/2 House AGM
32 photos
9/2 School Prayer Day
17 photos
9/2 Farewell Assembly
12 photos
9/2 Inter-class Dodgeball Competition @ Long Assembly
10 photos
7/2 Inauguration Student Leaders
8 photos
45 photos
15 & 21/12 Sport Day
268 photos in 7 sub-albums
22/12 Gospel Carnival
18 photos
22/12 Christmas Service
20 photos
17/12 PTA Gathering cum Staff Christmas Party
45 photos
3/12 Information Day
85 photos
1/12 Awards & Prize Presentation
10 photos
30/11 Career Week UST Talk
7 photos
29/11 Long Assembly Career Week
18 photos
21/11 Long Assembly Inclusive Education
21 photos
15/11 Awards & Prize Presentation
4 photos
11/11 Parent Night
47 photos
11/11 S3 Parent Talk
5 photos
8/10 S1 Parents' Gathering
30 photos
6/10 Long Assembly - Gospel Week
29 photos
1/10 Alumni AGM
31 photos
27/9 Long Assembly - Moral and Civic Education
50 photos
20/9 Awards & Prize Presentation
12 photos
16/9 Long Assembly
18 photos
1/9 Opening Ceremony
27 photos