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Closing Ceremony
174 photos
Flag Hoisting Ceremony
7 photos
Speech Day 2019
151 photos
In-school English Drama Play
10 photos
The 70th English Speech Festival
2 photos
Teachers' Day
19 photos
Awards & Prizes Presentation
102 photos in 7 sub-albums
Long Assembly 1.3.2019
22 photos
83 photos
65 photos in 6 sub-albums
S3 Subject Selection Talk
7 photos
S1-3 Sports Assembly
68 photos
House AGM
86 photos
S6 Farewell Assembly
67 photos
55th Anniversary Walkathon
211 photos
School Prayer Day
26 photos
Inauguration of Student Leaders
27 photos
Sports Days
241 photos in 6 sub-albums
Information Day
87 photos
Self-discipline Makes Me Fly
43 photos
Career & Civic Education Week
14 photos
37 photos
S3 Parents' Talk
8 photos
S1 Parents' gathering
29 photos
Carmel Christian Conference
23 photos
Carmel Alumni Gathering cum Opening of Time Capsule
49 photos
1st Assembly
77 photos
Opening Ceremony
11 photos