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- Swimming gala 46 photos
- Annual Concert 2015-2016 119 photos
- Stand Out Carmelians 62 photos
- Closing Ceremony 62 photos
- 「長幼同行新里程」口述歷史劇 21 photos
- Speech Day 2016 211 photos
- 迦密中學校園電視台更新工程竣工典禮 21 photos
- In-School concert 26 photos
- Last Assembly 65 photos
- Inter-house Badminton Competition 23 photos
- Counselling week 30 photos
- 中文科短周會 9 photos
- Teacher's Day 33 photos
- 奧比斯(Orbis)音樂會 43 photos
- 普通話日活動 31 photos in 4 sub-albums
- Inter-class Music Competition 79 photos
- 「3月24日世界防癆日」防癆歌唱比賽 21 photos
- 學業成績頒獎禮 26 photos
- Sports Days 294 photos
- PTA Gathering 68 photos
- S3 Subject Selection Parents and Students Talk 11 photos
- Budget Forum 15 photos
- S6 Farewell Assembly 47 photos
- 讀書會 10 photos
- 學業成績頒獎禮 18 photos
- 超新星歌唱大賽 35 photos
- 社辯初賽 35 photos
- Houses AGM 50 photos
- Student Leaders Inauguration 18 photos
- Talents Spot 15 photos
- 德育週 38 photos
- Information Day 45 photos
- Awards & Prizes Presentation 173 photos in 6 sub-albums
- Sports For All Day(全迦運動日) 19 photos in 2 sub-albums
- Career Week 28 photos in 2 sub-albums
- Girls A Basketball Final 93 photos
- Green Day 10 photos
- School Policy Forum 15 photos
- PTA AGM 31 photos
- PTA S3 Talk 9 photos
- S2 Current Affairs Forum 16 photos
- Bible Study 10 photos
- Flag Hoisting Ceremony 11 photos
- Carmel Christian Conference 32 photos
- Opening Ceremony 23 photos
- 迦密薪火相傳長跑 12 photos
- IMC Election 10 photos
- PTA Form 1 Parents' sharing 29 photos
- Carmel Alumni Gathering cum Opening of Time Capsule 36 photos