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- Student Leadership Programme (SLP) 16 photos
- "Make Your Singapore Study Tour Competition 2013" 1 photo
- Opening Ceremony 2012-2013 11 photos
- 2012國際奧林匹克機械人大賽(香港區) 8 photos
- JA Opening Ceremony 2012 7 photos
- SU Election 2012 42 photos
- Leadership Day Camp 2012 24 photos
- 德育及國民教育科論壇(13-09-2012) 6 photos
- Alumni Charity and Educational Fund; Luk Ming Memorial Scholarship 1 photo
- 2012-2013-年度迦密中學教職員全家福 2 photos
- ESDI步行籌款2012 25 photos
- S1 Parents' Gathering 5 photos
- 2012-2013年度陸運會 413 photos in 5 sub-albums
- Houses AGM 29 photos
- Junior Christian Fellowship 409 photos in 6 sub-albums
- Inauguration Ceremony 2012 5 photos
- Flag Hosting 28-09-2012 9 photos
- 校友會會員大會暨時間錦囊開啟禮2012 34 photos
- 2011-2012 自助獎勵計劃-金獎 1 photo
- Sudoku competition by SU x Maths & Chess Club 10 photos
- 香港童軍九龍第九十三旅第二十六屆宣誓典禮 46 photos
- 第十四屆家長教師會會員大會暨家長夜 16 photos
- 中三選科知多D 12 photos
- 中三閱讀分享會 7 photos
- 迦密中學資訊日2012 193 photos
- 2012 全港中學生中國象棋個人賽高中組冠軍 1 photo
- 政務司司長探訪迦密中學(03-12-2012) 26 photos
- 全國青少年古箏大賽-少年13-15歲組優秀演奏獎 1 photo
- 明報校園記者計劃-恆生盃-全年最佳寫作大獎 1 photo
- 國際兒童運動會 1 photo
- 全港詩詞創作比賽 1 photo
- Christmas De Amour 2 30 photos
- Counselling Week 26 photos
- Inter-house Basketball Competition 21 photos
- School Policy Forum 15 photos
- 中二時事論壇(20-12-2012) 21 photos
- Inter-class Dodgeball Competition 15 photos
- 64th HK Schools Speech Festival 4 photos
- Inter-class Spring Scroll Design Competition 2 photos
- Music Extravaganza 20 photos
- S.1 Inter-house Sports Carnivals 9 photos
- Hong Kong Inter-school Badminton Competition 2012/13 1 photo
- Award winners of the Hong Kong Biology Olympiad for Secondary Schools 2012-2013 1 photo
- 敬師日 23 photos
- 2012-2013 FLL 12 photos
- PTA Gathering 100 photos
- 中三級中文科閱書分享比賽 15 photos
- The Hong Kong School Drama Festival(English Category)-Open Rehearsal 36 photos
- Academic Progress Award Winners 2 photos
- Award-winners of the Youth Arch Student Improvement Award 2011-12 1 photo
- The Hong Kong School Drama Festival(English Category) - Asha 68 photos
- Best Performers in Budget Forum 10 photos
- Inter-house basketball Final (Junior Form) & Teachers/Students basketball competition 116 photos
- Inter-house Volleyball Competition 60 photos
- 全港高中學生徵文比賽《老有所居》, 《中國語文菁英計畫》 2 photos
- 中一級普通話擂台 8 photos
- Cultural Exchange with HKUST 20.4.13 53 photos
- Inter-house Chess Competition 1 photo
- 2012-2013 CYC Member Merit Award 1 photo
- Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition. 1 photo