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- Closing Ceremony 115 photos
- PTA Volunteers Reunion 25 photos
- Swimming Gala 156 photos
- Annual Concert 84 photos
- 小天使嘉許禮 18 photos
- Speech Day 2018 164 photos
- Awards & Prizes Presentation 78 photos in 6 sub-albums
- Teachers' Day 30 photos
- 69th English Speech Festival 3 photos
- 學術成績頒獎禮 105 photos in 5 sub-albums
- Talents Spot 14 photos
- S6 Farewell Assembly 66 photos
- 公民教育中二短週會 8 photos
- House AGM 38 photos
- Prayer Day 23 photos
- Inauguration of Student Leaders 43 photos
- 家長教師聯誼日(連聖誕聯歡會) 137 photos
- 價值教育周-有溫度的人生 20 photos
- Career Week 64 photos in 3 sub-albums
- Information Day 70 photos
- Sports Day 163 photos in 6 sub-albums
- IMC Parent Manager Election 11 photos
- Orchestra Lunch Concert 21 photos
- PTA AGM 27 photos
- S3 Parents' talk 12 photos
- School Visit(Ministry of Education, Brunei) 15 photos
- Talk by Mr. Fung Ying-lun, Allen 9 photos
- Civic Education Assembly 6 photos
- 普通話推廣小組與姊妹學校視訊交流活動 12 photos
- 中一家長分享會 16 photos
- 校友回迦日 49 photos
- 基督徒大會 18 photos
- 方可晴 "跨" 電影分享 6 photos
- 1st Assembly 27 photos
- 普通話日 13 photos in 1 sub-album
- Opening Ceremony 13 photos
- S1 Orientation Day 29 photos