Level 1 centres on the incorporation of core elements of gifted education, namely high-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence in the school curriculum for all students and adoption of effective differentiation strategies to support the learning of students of diverse abilities across all subjects in regular classrooms.
To promote higher-order thinking and creativity, questions and learning tasks in the lessons are designed to have varying levels of difficulties. Challenging questions are provided in the lesson or the assignment to cater for the gifted learners. Teachers offer a choice of assignments so that students can work according to their ability and interest. Flexible use of group activities are also used to promote communication and collaboration among students. Moreover, through lesson study, teachers regularly review the lesson design and explore new pedagogies to suit the ability , interest and learning style of students.
The vision of Level 1 gifted education is that students not only gain a thorough understanding of the subject knowledge but also enjoy and engage in the lessons. In the long run, students can build confidence and a positive attitude towards their learning.