General Information

Opening Hours

School Days    : Mon ~ Fri  8:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.
School Holidays*: 9:00 a.m. ~ 12:30 p.m.;2:00 p.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. (Lunchtime)
* Christmas, Lunar New Year, Easter and Summer Vacation
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: Closed


All Carmel teachers and students are eligible to borrow our school library materials.

General Rules

  1. All students have to be in their school uniform when using the library.
  2. Students must keep silent in the library or must not do any inappropriate activities such as talking, eating, drinking, sleeping, playing chess and having group discussion.
  3. Students should keep the library tidy and clean.
  4. Students should handle and use the library facilities carefully and gently.
  5. Do not leave any library books on the table. They should be placed in the book trolley after reading.
  6. Photocopying of library materials should be made in compliance with the Copyright Ordinance.

Rules for Borrowing

  1. All students must use their own library card and should not lend it to other people.
  2. All students are eligible to borrow six library items at one time.
  3. Most library materials borrowed should be returned to the library within 14 days. Exam references or teachers’ recommended books can be borrowed for specified loan periods.
  4. Students should return the books on or before the due date (excluding those days when the school library is closed). They need to pay a fine of $1 per day for each library item for late return.
  5. If the book borrowed is lost or damaged, students should report it to the library immediately and may have to pay the full cost of replacing the item.

24-25 Student Librarians:


Teacher Librarian: Mrs Wong Chan Mei Kun May

Library Assistant:  Mrs Tsui Fong Man Wai Rebecca

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