Principal’s Message (July 2016)

Message from the Principal

An S6 graduate from this academic year emailed me in early May to introduce to me the song ‘Maria’ from the musical ‘West Side Story’ (Maria is my English name).  I didn’t ever teach this student, and only paid her a visit when she was ill and had lunch with her and a few classmates of hers once.  Still, she thought of me seeing the name of the song and I felt so encouraged receiving her email.

One thing I’ve realized is that being school principal, I have more opportunity than before to get into touch with students.   I was worried that students would keep me at arm’s length and would no longer joke or chat with me.  Shortly after school started, though, I found that I shouldn’t have worried.  Students greeted me, talked to me, and shared with me their joy, difficulties, challenges, their needs and those of their family.  At least 178 students of various forms have been to the Principal’s Room, the majority being from S6.  Unless I had to be out or was in meetings, I invited S6 students to join me for lunch from early November to mid-January.  The Principal’s Room was enchanting to the S6 students, most of whom not having been inside it.  They talked about their growing-up, their future study plans, and how much they would miss the school and their schoolmates.  Through these lunch gatherings I learned more about how students see Carmel, and how Carmel has had an impact on their adolescence.  When students named the teachers who have supported them and cared for them, there was gratitude in their eyes.

I’ve attended student activities inside and outside of school, and been particularly impressed by students’ drive to Gear Up and Go the Extra Mile.  They work to equip themselves for academic and nonacademic activities and competitions.  They yearn to broaden their horizons and gain precious experience.  This year students have won a great number of competitions, and those who haven’t are gracious about losing.  They know they’ve tried their best and are without regrets.

I thank God and feel indeed honoured to be able to serve Carmel, and everyone who studies and works in this school.

                                                                                                                                                      Ng Miu Yee Maria





今年出席校內校外的學生活動,很為學生實踐Gear Up and Go the Extra Mile 鼓舞。同學積極參與學術和非學術的比賽活動,努力裝備,抱著輸得起的心態,以擴闊視野、汲取經驗為目的,最終獲得大大小小的不同獎項;縱使未能獲獎,也全力以赴、無愧於心。


                                                                                                                                                      校長 啟

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