A letter suggesting three activities


Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to the notice regarding the youth club having been set up lately. I hereby suggest 3 activities through which teenagers can learn something new, have fun and know each other. The activities are namely “Project Kowloon”, “Costume Race” and “Dinner without Phones”.

The youth club can organize a project competition called “Project Kowloon”, in which teenage participants have to carry out research about Kowloon and hence give suggestions to the District Council on how to improve the living standards here in Kowloon. Through this activity, teenagers are provided with a chance to reflect upon local culture from different perspectives, train their investigative skills as well as help themselves establish a sense of belonging to where they live – Kowloon. As many teens nowadays are self-centered and indulge in the internet, they are often indifferent to the local culture. “Project Kowloon” would be a platform on which they can rethink their own identity and responsibility of being a Kowloon resident, which will be a new experience to them. Certificates and prizes should be given to the top 3 projects to encourage participation. For instance, the new iPhone 5 can be considered to be a prize. Electronic gadgets are always attractive to the tech generation.

Another great activity teens can have fun in is the “Costume Race”. It is a concept borrowed from the famous and successful “Rat Race” held in Central. The contest requires teenagers to race for 3 laps round the estate with their costumes of their favorite characters in cartoons, movies, novels etc. This activity echoes with the craze for “cosplay culture” which has been prevalent among teenagers. They would love this activity because it provides them with the chance to demonstrate their creativity (what teens never lack) and share common interests with fans of that character. They can also bring along their family members to watch the contest, enhancing parent- child relationships. This will be an ideal event for family fun. Prizes and titles like “Best Costume Design”, “Cutest Character” or “Strangest Way of Running” can be awarded to encourage teens to participate.

Last but not least, “Dinner without Phones” would be an ideal occasion for teens to meet new friends as well as to have reflective thinking on communication. The phenomenon that teens do not talk to others but bury their heads into smart phones has been ubiquitous ever since the craze for smartphones hit Hong Kong. “Dinner without Phones” requires teens to have a meal with new friends while the use of phones is forbidden. This way, they are forced to have longer and deeper conversations and interactions with new friends. Not only can they expand their social circle by meeting new friends, they also have the chance to realize how precious chance of face-to-face conversation is lost while they play with their phones. Hopefully they can realize being a member of the “thumb generation” would pull them away from people and hence get rid of this bad habit. The youth club can collect a suitable amount of fee from teens for this activity and arrange venue and food accordingly.

I believe that the above three activities will be enriching and interesting. It is my earnest hope that you take my suggestion into consideration and provide teens with fruitful experience!

                                                        Yours faithfully,
                                                           Chris Wong