Walking in the Rain


The light rain bought plenty of moisture to the land, like a naughty child. It cried like a baby and water droplets kept falling onto the ground, causing trouble to the people. ‘Splash!” A puddle of water was run over by a car passing by, wetting my trousers. The cool temperature of the rainwater was just enough for me to sneeze.

Walking slowly down the street, I realized that the sky was a lot darker than usual. Its lovely blue colour had disappeared. Perhaps it was angry and its colour changed to grey, wanting to cause inconvenience to people like a black-hearted man.

“Roar! Roar!’ Loud thunderstorms attacked my ears. I was surprised to see that the rain fell in torrents just a fraction of a second later. These acted as warnings to inform people that the cruel man was going to threaten the territory with heavy rainstorms. Rooftops of buildings were flooded with water. The excess water spattered out from the rooftops to the street. Water droplets steadily slided down the windows. It seemed the buildings couldn’t withstand the moisture and it had to beg for mercy. “ Creak! Creak!” Some of the windows were broken by the violent rain. They swung on the edges of the building dangerously, partially exposed to the sky. Their swinging movement bowed to the sky, hoping it would stop its cruet act.

On the other side, the cruel man didn’t forgive the streets, and it had to flood it until it looked like a swimming pool. The thickness of the water on the street was ridiculous, it was almost thicker than a dictionary. The traffic jam was really serious, given that there weren’t many water pipe lids. Droplets of water slowly passed through the narrow space of the lids and managed to escape from the scene.

Cars on the street were congested by the thick layer of water. They could hardly move, just like ants in water. Drivers inside the cars were definitely angry, but they didn’t intend to get out of their vehicles. Were they conquered by the rain? I couldn’t tell.