There has been a lot of argument about whether students should be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school. In my opinion, students should not be allowed to bring their mobile phones to school. Let me explain why it is reasonable not to allow students to bring their phones to school.
First of all, I think mobile phones will sidetrack the learning of students. If they use their mobile phones for playing or just for learning purpose, they may not pay enough attention in class because they just concentrate on playing with their mobile phones. So, the academic results of the students will drop due to the use of the mobile phones during the class. Moreover, the learning process of the students may be hindered too.
Secondly, bringing their own mobile phones is not necessary because of the public phones in school. Public phones are provided by the school. So, students can use phones near the school gate or tuck shop. And there are three public phones, which are enough for students to contact their parents. They need not bring their phones to school if their reason is contacting their parents.
What is more, there are enough resources for learning in school already. As a result, students don’t have the need to bring their phones to school. Because of the rapid development of technologies nowadays, computers are invented. So they can use computers for learning. Moreover, computers mostly have the programmes or function which mobile phones share the same too. Therefore,it is not a must or a need for students to bring their phones to school.
However, some students said that the purpose of bringing mobile phones to school is to contact parents if they face a traffic accident. But in fact, students just use one or two minutes to contact their parents, and they use plenty of time to play games in their mobile phones. This shows the main purpose of bringing mobile phones is not contacting their parents, but to play with their mobile phones on the way back home. Bringing mobile phones in order to contact their parents is just an excuse for them.
To sum up, students bringing their phones to school is just to play with their phones only, but not to contact their parents. Therefore, I think students should not be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.