In class, we mentioned how parents are driving their children up the wall and talked about the problems of the girl who is now in Form Three in secondary school. Now, I have some ideas on this topic.
The problems of this girl are that her family relations have been extremely tense and she is always under tremendous stress. There are some causes contributing to her problems.
First, about her family background. Because of the difference of nation, she is ashamed of their parents being mainlanders. Most of the time, she ignores her parents.
Second, about her studies. A private tutor was hired to rectify her poor performance in Liberal Studies, which is already on top of the tutorial school the girl attends every day softer school. Also, she would get up at 6pm every day to study an extra hour, after burning the midnight oil.
Actually, being hard-working isn’t wrong. However, we should use a suitable and comfortable way to be hard-working. We should put effort but not put pressure. Use this case as an example, she wants to excel academically. It is not wrong. However, she is given too much pressure by her parents. That’s why she could go berserk or even had suicidal thoughts.
Last but not least, I would like to give her some suggestions.
First, I want to tell her that caring about her academic results is good, but she shouldn’t go extreme. Sometimes, if she feels confused, distraught or nervous, she may relax herself by, for example, listening to music. It can help a lot!
Second, don’t mind what family background she has. Just ignore her classmates’ speaking if they say something hurtful. Try her best and do her best!
I hope she can accept these suggestions in order to relieve her tremendous pressure.