Once upon a time, there was a farmer and a cow. The farmer had a wife, a son and a daughter. They lived in a village and they had a farmland.
The farmer was very poor. His farmland did not have harvest so he thought he had to kill his cow so that his family could eat the meat. Before he was about to kill the cow, the cow cried and said, ‘Please don’t kill me, master!’
‘No, I must kill you. My farmland did not have harvest now. I don’t want to kill you either. I feel very sad because I have to kill you,’ the farmer said.
‘You are a good man. If you don’t kill me and keep me, you’ll have harvest,’ the cow said.
‘Really?’ the farmer was surprised and felt happy.
‘Yes,’ the cow said.
Then, the farmer did not kill the cow. He waited for one day.
The next morning, it was raining heavily. There was also a thunderstorm so the thunder woke the farmer up. When he woke up, he could see it was raining heavily. The plants in the farmland grew quickly. He was very excited and he told his family. After that, they had abundant food to eat. Also, he could keep and breed his cow too. Since then, his family had a happy life and had excess food.
This story teaches us that a good-hearted person will have rewards.