Sunny Monday, 13thApril,2009
The sun brightly shone in Zhongshan in the morning and nearly melted me.I felt
Excited because it was my first visit.
Firstly,we went to an old Hakka village.There was a pond with two dragons
springing water out from their mouth.The guide said the water could make us lucky.I
drank some with dad and mum.We could also used it to wsh our faces.The water was
pure and tasty.After that,I rode on a horse and went up to the hill where I touch the
huge “lucky stone”.When I rode back to the village,I played archery there.If I could
hit the target,the prize was a fried baby pigeon.Unfortunatly,I didn’t win any prize,but
I bought one instead.The pigeons there were delicious and crispy and they were
famous all over China.
In the afternoon,we went to a reasturant which was famous for the chicken
hot-pot.The soup of the hot-pot was very tasty but a bit spicy.Iliked pigeon rice the
In the evening,we visit Dr.Sun Yat-sun’s old residence.It was the old house of our
“Father od China”.I learnt some history of him and took a lot of photos.Then,we had a
feast with all the dishes that made with fish.We also went shopping and taste the most
famous dessert.I hope tomorrow will be as interesting as today.