To: Martin Si (Marin_Si@TTA.com.hk)
From: CustomerService@MTB.com.hk
Date: 20 May 2014
Subject: Re: Complaints about a day trip
Dear Mr Si
Re: Complaints about a day trip
Thank you for your email dated 18 May, regarding the day trip on 9 May. We very much regret that you are so dissatisfied with our service.
We have investigated your complaint about the driver arriving late at the pick-up point. The driver has explained that his watch was out of order, but of course, he should have consulted the office clock, and has been given an official warning not to let this happen again. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to your company and the tourists. We will take every step to make sure that this does not occur again.
In the email, you also mentioned that the air-conditioning system only worked sporadically during the bus trip, making the passengers uncomfortable. We are terribly sorry about that. It is due to the lack of maintenance. Therefore, after the trip, we immediately examined and fixed the air-conditioning system and other parts of the bus. We have also enforced our policy to examine and fix the buses more frequently. Please accept our apology.
I would also like to apologize for not having booking for lunch in the restaurant. It is our fault that we did not communicate with the restaurant well. We should have double-checked with the restaurant before the trip. For this, we have already officially talked to the related staff and let me assure you that it will not happen again.
For your inconvenience, we would like to offer a partial refund to all the passengers, as you have suggested. However, before that, I would like to clarify a few points first.
I greatly regret the trouble that your company has been put through due to the delay of the tour, and I fully understand the dissatisfaction of the passengers, but it is not our policy to cancel or skip any activity listed on the itinerary. We admit that the guide might be a bit impolite. However, he was just doing his duty to ask the passengers to do some shopping because shopping at the jewellery shop was listed on the travel schedule.
Therefore, I am sorry we cannot agree to offer a refund amounting to a total of $2,050. Instead, we would offer a total of $1,025 to all the passengers. May I once again express our regret about the inconvenience caused to your company and all the passengers, and thank you for taking the time to write to us. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any further criticisms or suggestions. We look forward to serving you again in the near future and guarantee our best services at all times.
Yours sincerely
Chris Wong
Customer Service Representative