“Oh! Chris, I can’t imagine finding a job is really so difficult. What a tough world…,” he looked at me desperately. His voice was weak and hopeless. Looking at his red-rimmed eyes, I knew that he really sank to the very depth of despair.
“Paul, every cloud has a silver lining. You’re going to find a job, and everything will be alright,” I tried to comfort him even though I believed that he would continue to remain jobless. He was never a practical man. He was always grumbling about the low salary and the poor working conditions of different workplaces, not willing to accept the reality that everybody needed to start at a lower level while beginning to work.
Time flies, we had the conversation about three years ago. We had not seen each other since then. Last Sunday, I accidentally bumped into my brother, Paul, who had left home for three whole years without any news sent home. I was really shocked when seeing him again.
It was a sunny day. The burning sun drove all of us crazy. When I was walking on the street next to the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, I spotted a familiar face. I nearly screamed in excitement. It was my missing brother, Paul. He had changed tremendously. He was not exactly good-looking but definitely more attractive than the last time I saw him. I figured out why I had this feeling after looking at him from a distance for a few seconds. He was in expensive brand-name clothes and driving a luxurious sports car.
“Paul, is it you?” I ran towards him, trying to confirm his mysterious identity. He noticed me and got out of his limousine.
“Chris? How long have we not seen each other! How’s everything these days?” He gave me a hug, trying to show his delight seeing me again, which, on the contrary, showed how unnatural he was.
“I’m fine, but … how did you get this Mercedes Benz? It means a fortune!” The last time I spoke to him, he was still anxious of looking for a job. I was wondering what had happened to him in these few years.
“Well, I found a job just after I met you last time. And I’ve got an incredibly smart boss, who takes care of me and trusts me with important jobs. Being his assistant, we do great business together with… with some people…” he ended speaking with a little hesitation as if he was hiding something.
“What kind of people are you doing business with?” His strangeness really aroused my curiosity. I tried to ask him more questions about his “job”.
“Somebody might be listening. Let’s get in the Peninsula Hotel and have a drink,” he stopped me from asking further questions. Things were getting weird. I could sense it.
We got into the Peninsula Hotel and a hotel manager courteously brought us to a dining table on which many delicate cakes and snacks were served. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had never seen so many beautiful desserts. I wondered how a sumptuous life my brother was leading now. It seemed that I was having high tea with a prince!
“I… I’m actually engaging in the logistics industry,” he tried to avoid having eye contact with me.
“Then what kind of products does your company deal with?” I put down my cup of lemonade waiting for his answer.
“We transport ivories by sea secretly…” he whispered in his low voice which could hardly be heard.
“No, you’re not transporting goods. You’re smuggling! It’s unlawful to transport ivories. How can you do that?” I stared at him angrily. I thought he must be mad.
“Chris, people need to do whatever they have to in times of adversity. Unlike you, I didn’t study well. And I couldn’t even find a job after I’d graduated from high school for a year. I need food and I need a place to live in. Dealing with ‘dirty business’ is the only way for me to survive, to gain money and to dine in this hotel! Do you understand my situation?”
When he talked about the past, he couldn’t help raising his voice and clenching his fist. I regretted not having offered help a hand at the time when he was desperately looking for a job.
“Smuggling ivories gets me rich, so that I can do whatever I like. Rolex watches, Dunhill shirts, Mercedes Benz…. These are what I gain from my work. Without my business, I’m nobody.”
“How can you be so superficial? Your desire has already driven you mad! Where’s your moral compass? It’s not ethical to fulfill your dirty wants at the expense of the wild lives,” I stood up, scolding him. “Shame on you! Your vanity will ruin your life.”
To my surprise, instead of looking angry as I expected, his eyes showed sadness and helplessness. “My brother, once you’ve enter this business, there’s no return. No matter how regretful you feel, you can’t quit the job. Since the day you joined the ‘club’, you can’t leave it. They can always find you no matter where you are.” He took my hands. I was so confused that I couldn’t utter a word. On one hand, I was so angry with what he was doing. I sympathized with his difficult situation at the same time. I only wanted to leave the hotel room and tried to have some time to calm myself down.
“I’m going on the boat this evening. I don’t know whether I can come back safe this time. Please tell mum and dad that I love them.” These were the last words I heard from him before I stepped out of the room.
I did not bring my brother’s crime to light as blood is thicker than water. What I could do was just pretending that I knew nothing about his job. But crime doesn’t pay…
“Good evening, it’s Cindy Wong for TVB News. Today the police carried out a raid along the eastern coast of the New Territories and arrested three men suspected of smuggling ivories. One man jumped into the sea trying to escape from the police and was drown in the rough sea. He was rescued by the police about 30 minutes later but was certified dead…” the voice of the new reporter echoed in the air of the small living room of my family.
I saw a familiar face on the TV screen. I turned off the television, wondering how to break this devastating news to my parents. But when I turned around, I saw my mum weeping at the door of the kitchen.
Sometimes people get lost when pursuing their lusts. The more money they get, for a short period of time, the happier they are. However, it usually comes along with the huge cost you need to pay one day.