My Life as a Piece of Homework



Hello! I am a piece of homework.  My mission is to let students do revisions.  I want to see students getting a good result in their exams and tests. 

Although I want to help the students, I don’t know why, the students hate me. They say that I am annoying.  They think that doing homework is useless.  They think that doing homework is wasting their time.

Well, no matter how much students hate me, they must do homework.

Although students hate me, I want to help them.  Maybe when they become older, they will thank me for training them to be a clever student.

If there was no homework in the world, what would happen? Students would become lazy.  They wouldn’t remember what their teachers said in the lessons.  Maybe there would be no annoying homework, but there would also be no clever students in the world.

Students, please remember the importance of me, as a piece of homework.

Do teachers love homework? No, they don’t.

They need to mark students’ homework.  It is a very hard work.  But if they do not mark their students’ homework, they can’t know whether their students understand what they have taught them in lessons.

Teachers, please remember the importance of me, as a piece of homework.

I am a piece of homework, a piece of annoying, but meaningful homework.