Womanly Qualities


Like men, women also have to live up to lots of expectations.  Women are supposed to be gentle and polite, just like Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.  However, Hong Kong is not under the rule of a king!  There are no more chances for you to be a princess like Catherine!  Although you can’t be a princess, you can act like a princess.  Let me explain some of those things that every woman should know and some essentials for being a woman.


Generally speaking, every woman should know how to cook.  Actually, cooking is a skill that everyone should know.  At least you need to know how to cook instant noodles so that you can survive without being dependent on others.  In some countries, only women who can cook can get married. (Luckily, it isn’t a “must’ for Hong Kong’s women!) “Cooking” is a symbol of good women (or wives).  It is rare to see women who can’t cook.  Since cooking is a basic survival skill and is very important for women, every woman must know it.


Besides cooking, the make up skill is also an essential skill for women.  Simple and proper make up makes women look decent and elegant.  It is nice for women to have simple make up on important occasions, such as an interview.  It is a simple way to show your respect to the employers.  Moreover, in Japan and Korea, every woman should make up because it is their tradition and custom.  “Make up” is a symbol of respect and politeness.  It is one of the essentials for women.


Apart from making up, every woman should know how to say ‘NO’.  Saying ‘NO’ doesn’t show that you are timid; it shows that you are strong and can think independently.  In some cases (sex crimes), it is extremely important to say ‘NO’ to the offenders in order to protect yourselves.


It is nice for women to know how to do housework.  No men like messy and untidy women. Doing housework is women’s responsibility.  Keeping your home clean and tidy can show that you are tidy and responsible.


Also, good speaking skills are essential for women.  Good speaking skills do not mean that you need to speak thousands of words a day or be so extremely talkative that you even can’t stop talking.  A good speaker can talk and chat politely (at least there is no foul language) and softly (don’t speak so loudly or yell).  Men do not like noisy women but polite ladies.


Last but not least, doing simple sums is necessary for women too.  You may not need to know how to find X from an equation or find the volume of something.  You only need to know how to do simple calculations.  It is very useful for a quick check of whether you have paid enough or not when shopping.  This skill also protects you from being cheated by shopkeepers.


To conclude, it is not easy to be womanly.  But, if you are willing to learn the above skills, it will be easy for you and you can even become a lovely princess!