Is it possible that a person’s life is cursed?


A person’s life can never be cursed. What matters most is your attitude towards difficulties.


A person life may seem to be cursed at the beginning. Take Stanley Yelnats in the book Holes. He is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, like all his ancestors were. People all believe he has stolen a famous basketball star Clyde Livingston’s sneakers and he is sent to Camp Green Lake, a training camp for juvenile criminals to correct themselves. Even in the camp, he is condemned for grabbing sunflower seeds from a camp instructor Mr Sir and is badly mistreated. It appears that his life is doomed to bad luck.


However, you can definitely break the ‘curse’ by taking action. In Holes, Stanley finds it pointless to clarify he has not committed any crimes in the beginning. He does not want people to think he has a bad attitude. He also acts as a yes-man and follows the orders of X-Ray, the head of a gang of boys in the camp. He even hands in a precious golden tube of Kissing-Kate Barlow to X-Ray, who then gets a day off from work. But everything begins to turn out well when Stanley decides to fight back. He tries to steal a water truck to save Zero, another camper and his best friend. Although he fails to do so, he is still very determined to rescue Zero on his own in a boiling hot wasteland.  Together, he and his best friend survive and come back to camp. Stanley is also proved to be innocent.


Every person has to face hardships and adversities. But the most crucial part is how you deal with them. You cannot back out because there is only you who can take action and speak out for yourself.  Like what Stanley’s mother always insists, there never is a curse. We should not focus on the misfortune; instead, treasure what you have and you will know how lucky you are.