A Letter of Complaint (2)


26B, Wing Ning House

Tai Ping Estate



24th October, 2012


Super Fit Fitness Centre

3/F, Sunny Building

502 Nathan Road



Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Complaints about Super Fit Fitness Centre

I am writing to complain about the unacceptable conditions of your fitness centre. I think you should read my letter seriously and make improvements to your fitness center.

First, I would like to complain about the poor facilities and instructor of the aerobics class. It was difficult for me to concentrate on lessons. The glass was broken and only a few tapes were used to fix it. It was dangerous to fix it in this way. The glass might fall down and students might get hurt at anytime. Besides, the gym equipment such as dumbbells was put on the floor. The changing clothes and backpack of the tutor were put on the floor too! It was messy and untidy to put so many unrelated things on the floor! Moreover, the CD player was broken. It was hard for me to feel relaxed and enjoy the lesson. Also, the instructor was not persuasive and trustworthy enough. She looked unfit and unprofessional. I cannot believe that joining this class makes me look much prettier and slimmer.

Second, the snack bar was messy and food sold in it was not suitable for me to eat. The chairs and tables were not put properly. Some of them were turned over and placed on the floor. They were not clean, too. Used bowls, plates and cups were not washed. It was unhygienic to use them.


Customers might feel sick after using them. Besides, the food sold in the snack bar such as French fries, hamburgers and popcorns was too oily and unhealthy for me to eat. They contained too much fat, salt and sugar. I could not keep fit and stay healthy to have these food items after the aerobics lesson. Furthermore, the assistant looked tired and sleepy. It seemed that he did not want to serve me. His uniform was dirty too.

Last but not least, your assistant manager’s reply was impolite and rude. I just wanted to tell him the truth and make good changes. However, what he replied was unreasonable. He thought that the complaints mentioned above were not his fault but my own negative opinions. When I complained about the unhealthy snacks sold in the snack bar, he told me that there were dairy products, vegetables and fruits in cakes, drinks and hamburgers, and sugar and fat gave us energy. What I could observe was that there were a small amount of dairy products, vegetables and fruits in these food items. There was too much sugar and fat in these food items such as French fries, coke and meat in hamburgers. What is more, it was unbelievable to hear your assistant manager ask me to go to exercise and not to sit there and look for problems. It was also shocking to hear him say that he would do nothing and I was the one who should take action.  He was so tough and rude! It sounded like he did not care how customers felt.

The state of tour fitness centre and the reply of your assistant manager were so dissatisfying. I hope that you, as a manager, will make great improvements. Nonetheless, I wish to cancel my membership. I request that you refund my membership fees immediately.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong


Chris Wong