More and more people choose to work at home in Hong Kong. Write a letter to the editor discussing the benefits of having a home office and suggesting how it could be supported by government and companies.

November 16, 2016 SOU WING TING 0
Dear EditorImagine there is a mother of a new-born baby.After taking care of the baby for the whole night, she has to get up to work with insufficient rest the next day. Worse still, she has to worry about her little kid for the entire day, concerning whether he drinks milk punctually and eats adeq.........Read More

Schools need grants for reading

October 7, 2016 SOU WING TING 0
Dear EditorI am a local secondary school's student and I am writing to express my opinion concerning the Education Bureau's decision to end the Chinese and English extensive reading scheme grants starting from this school year.As a student, I feel strongly that reading is beneficial to us and shoul.........Read More