English Debating Team


Do you want to improve your English? Do you wish to be more persuasive and logical? Do you love the thrill of thinking up arguments to rebut others’ points within a short period of time? If so, the English Debating team is right for you!

 Through joining the English Debating team, you can take part in some of Hong Kong’s biggest inter-school debating competitions like the NESTA SCMP Debating Competition, the Sing Tao Debating Competition and the Mock Trial Competition.

 As you will be trained by both our senior members and our debating team teacher, Mr. Smith, there will be lots of things you can learn. Not only will you be able to learn how different types of debates work and how a debate speech is structured, you will also be able to learn some skills that will be beneficial to your learning in other areas! Through debating, you can train your logical thinking, learn how to multitask, work quickly and how to think of strong arguments for your side quickly. All these skills cannot only help you in problem solving, they can also help you in tackling some questions in the Liberal Studies exam as they require students to think from different angles, which is also something you can learn through debating.

 The English Debating Team’s schedule is quite different from that of other teams and clubs. We do not have scheduled meetings, as we only meet when competitions are coming up. Also, how long you stay after school to prepare for the debate all depends on how quickly you work or how much you plan to do at home. It is alright if you wish to go home earlier. The English Debating Team is very flexible with the times. We will adjust the meeting times to match your homework schedule as academics should always take students’ top priority.

 What is interesting about the English Debating Team is that no one ever leaves without learning something. Through debating, the members learn from the experiences, the mistakes they make and also from the other members. With each debate, you can really tell that you are improving and changing little by little. This gives every team member a lot of encouragement. So, be it that one has learnt how to cooperate with others, think logically, multitask or have good time management, everyone leaves the debating team with something new.

 So join us, the English Debating Team, whether it is to improve your English or to learn something from us! We welcome you to become a part of our team!