Have I been ‘ABC’ enough in the first term?


Do you know what is ‘ABC’?  It does not mean grades.  Our school’s major concern this year is “ABC” – A is active, B is bold and C is confident.  Have I been “ABC” in the first term?

To be active is one of the important steps in learning.  Although I have known this meaning for some time, I don’t think that I was active enough.  I was always afraid that my idea or opinion was wrong.  I think that I should believe in myself and work hard so that I can be more active.
To be bold and confident is the key to success.  These ideas have appeared in my mind for many years already.  In the first term, I worked harder on these two aspects.  When I saw something that could help me to improve, I would pay attention and effort, no matter if it was difficult to do.  I believed that I could get something back. This is true.  I’ve gained special experiences from the Speech Festival and other activities.  Also, I would not give up so easily as when I was in F.1, but keep working and being confident to face difficulties.
Being active, bold and confident only is not enough.  We must do one more thing.  It is self-reflection.  I will try my best in the coming term.