Happiness Happens Week (1C Kwan Cheuk Wing, Daniel)


Our school is going to hold ‘Happiness Happens Week’. Some activities will be held in the event. The purpose of this event is to remind students and teachers to spread happiness everywhere and be grateful for everything. This event will be held next week, Oct 16 to Oct 20. Every student and teacher should join it.

The first activity is “Happy Stickers”. This activity is a kind of point activity. All students and teachers should join this activity. Everyone will get five stickers that have smiles on them. When anyone does things that make you happy, put a sticker on their clothes or give them one. The person who gets the most stickers will get a prize. The reason for holding this activity is to let students and teachers find that spreading happiness is a wonderful thing and enjoy it.

There is also another activity, which is “Finding Happiness”. This game is a treasure finding game. There are different cards hidden around the school. Different situations are written on each card. Some of the situations are good and can spread happiness, for example, ‘Mike said a funny joke to his friends’. This can spread happiness. Students who join this activity can copy the sentence on a piece of paper and put a happy face next to it. There are also some bad and rude cases like ‘Tom always fights with Sam’. Then students can copy it again and put a sad face. When students get one correct answer, they can get a piece of paper. All the pieces of paper can be grouped to form a sentence – ‘Letting others feel happy is always better than feeling happy alone.’

I hope all of my classmates can join this event. To encourage them to join the event, I will share my happy moments with them.

Happiness is a direction; it depends on our own choice.

I hope everyone who joins the event can gain happiness.