Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. There is no doubt that those online shops bring us convenience because we do not need to go to the stores and use so much energy on getting our heavy bags back home. However, does it mean that they are a good choice for shoppers? Of course not.
When we buy things online, we never know the quality of the products. Before we make payment in a store, we can check the goods in detail, use our hands to feel them and to make sure that they are in merchantable quality. But when we are shopping on the Internet, are we still able to check them with our hands? No! We can only use our eyes to ‘feel’ them. Also, we do not know the seller before and not everyone in the world is trustworthy, the seller may send us some products of poor quality. If this happens, we can just yell at home and do nothing about it.
After you have ordered the goods, the payment method may also cause many problems. Most of the online shops request the customers to be paid by banks. So, you have to enter your account number and password on the Internet. Are you sure the security system is safe enough for you to reveal your personal details? I do not think so. There may be a chance that the passwords will be stolen by some computer experts. It is really unsafe.
After paying for the products, the next step is delivery. Most of the websites provide delivery service for the customers, but they have very low efficiency. Time is needed for the seller to prepare the goods and send them to the delivery company. Also, the company needs time to handle the transaction. This complicated delivery processes lower the efficiency of sending them to your home. If we buy things in the store, we just need to pay and take the products back home. Time can be saved in this easy process.
Some people think that online shops are so convenient that we just need to stay at home and enjoy the goods. But the delivery service always costs you an extra charge which is not required by a store in the street. It is not worth paying at a higher price to enjoy the same products of the same quality. Also, complicated payment method is used in those websites. Our personal information may be required. But for the stores which can be commonly found in the streets, we can just directly pay cash. In fact, they are more convenient than the online shops.
In conclusion, by comparing the quality, efficiency of delivery and payment methods of the online shops with the stores in the street, obviously, online shops are not a good choice for the shoppers because what shoppers need are convenience and efficiency instead of complication and delay.