Hong Kong, a small city crowded with seven million people, has been chasing after big dreams. Situated in the south east coast of China, it is a hub for people from all over the world and is striving to be a first-class international city. However, is it a good place to live it? Or is it just a popular place to visit?
Geographically, Hong Kong has a superior and advantageous location. The region sits just south of the Tropic of Cancer, providing distinct seasons for its citizens. Because of its pleasant weather, it is very comfortable to live in Hong Kong. In addition, hardly is Hong Kong affected by natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, making it a safe place to be called ‘home’.
The convenient public transport available in Hong Kong is another favourable condition for living. The railway system, as well as various means of transport including the bus, the mini-bus and the ferry, links up all the districts in the region. Residents, therefore, gain easy and direct access to every corner of the city.
Some people question that the densely populated city is causing discomfort to the people living here. However, this factor is actually the start of convenient life in Hong Kong because the buildings and stores are so close to each other, and it is extremely convenient for people to gather all their necessities every day without the need of driving miles to look for a grocery store. Shopping and dining out are just as easy as watching TV.
A good place for living should be one suitable for every class in society, no matter what their backgrounds are. For the wealthy ones who can afford a self-owned apartment, private residential buildings are built by real estate companies to meet their demand. As for low-income families, the government caters their needs by providing flats in the public housing estates with reasonably good facilities and affordable rents. Therefore, most of the citizens living in Hong Kong have a nice shelter of their own, making the city a good place for everyone to live in.
Although Hong Kong people have always been known for their quick living pace and hectic lives, their weekend lives are full of diversity. In such a variety-packed city as Hong Kong, be prepared to experience life in every possible aspect, ranging from shopping and eating to hiking, exploring history and exchanging stocks. It is never boring but exciting in Hong Kong because there are all sorts of entertainment suitable for people of all ages.
Education is an essential part of living for children and teenagers. The 12-year free education policy implemented by the government adds weights to the good living conditions in Hong Kong. The policy states that every child has the right to receive education in school from primary one to secondary six. Parents who have children therefore do not have to worry about their kids for not getting proper education.
In fact, the academic standard of primary schools, secondary schools and universities in Hong Kong is among the top ones in the world. For example, the University of Hong Kong is ranked 26th in the world in 2008 by Time Magazine. It is a blessing for both parents and students who live in Hong Kong for being able to enjoy quality education here.
The political status of Hong Kong allows people to have the freedom of speech, unlike the mainlanders. People can express different views through various means and the government is more than willing to listen to voices of different stances. While suffice the demand of some citizens, the government also attempts to consider the benefits of all people. Its flexibility ensures effective responses, adjustments and improvements to the problems in the society, creating a better living place for people day after day.
Hong Kong, a geographically beautiful place, is not only gorgeous on the outside but also the inside. With the convenient transportation system and suitable housing, living happily in Hong Kong should not be a problem for anyone. Instead, the diversity of entertainments brings a lively spirit to everyone living here. Again, not only is the academic standard of education at the frontier of the world, the government’s willingness to serve people, and to improve their living standard is capturing local residents’ hearts and many soon-to-be Hongkongers. With no doubts, Hong Kong is a good place and perhaps a perfect place to live in.