Study is important


When I was in primary school, I always thought that study was not very important, so I usually played and relaxed. This made my results in primary school very bad. In Primary Five, something happened that pushed me to study harder since then.

In the second term of Primary Five, one of the examinations that might affect my interviewresults of different secondary schools was held. Before the examination, most of my classmates studied very hard in order to get higher marks in the examination, but I didn’t. A month before the examination, I had not done any revision. I played computer games for at least three hours every day. The day before my examination, I still hadn’t done any revision, and I even went to play football with my friends!

Although I had five goals in the football match, my results in the examination were very bad! My average marks in that examination were just about seventy. My class teacher, Miss Chan, talked to me about my results two days later. She told me that study was very important in my life.

Since then, I tried my best to study in every examination. In Primary Six, I studied very hard before the examination. Therefore, my average marks in that examination were higher than ninety-five and it was the highest in my class.

I knew that study was very important to my life through this experience. Moreover, other than having good football skills and results, I finally realized what was more important to my life.