A letter to persuade employers to join Second Chance


Dear Sir / Madam


I am writing on behalf of Hong Kong Correctional Services to appeal for your support for our campaign called Second Chance. The Hong Kong Correctional Services is very concerned about the rehabilitation of the reformed criminals and former drug addicts. To encourage the recruitment of these reformed wrong-doers, a new campaign called Second Chance is recently conceived. As suggested by the campaign’s name, starting from the new fiscal year, in a few years’ time, we hope to invite companies and firms to give ex-offenders and drug addicts a second chance to serve society.


There are obvious benefits in joining the scheme. First and foremost, it raises the reputation of businesses. It shows how kind-hearted companies are to care for the socially disadvantaged, and how the firm is charitable by playing a considerably instrumental role in the healthy development of the community. This is also aligned to the growing public concern on the corporate responsibility of businesses. It can be seen easily that, a better image leads to a higher reputation. A higher reputation leads to a higher popularity, and ultimately they all lead to a desirable boost in revenue.


In return for your kindness, not only can your company be awarded with higher revenue but also employees of positive attitude. In an attempt to indicate prevailing misunderstandings, it must be clarified that relapse chances of ex-criminals are extremely slim. Not only that, reformed wrong-doers having learnt already a big lesson, often have high working incentives without asking for much reward. They tend to be much more responsible, mature and dogged when faced with challenges when compared to normal employees. It is most certain that they can act as a shining example or role model for the latter.


Last but not least, employers who join the scheme can receive different kinds of support from the government. Financial support, extra subsidies and training would be provided to the company and the employees. Moreover, a certificate would be awarded to you to certify your giving and contribution to the community. The government will also take follow-up measures adopted from western countries which have shown a promising progress in practising similar schemes, to facilitate your daily running of your firm.


In conclusion, I would like to point out that engaging the concerned group gives employers and employees mutual benefits. Not only are ex-criminals offered a chance to turn over a new leaf and return to the bosom of society, that the employers are open-minded and kind-hearted will always be born in the minds of employees and the public. The fact that employers in Hong Kong are devoted to charities has never been doubted and we expect to see your benevolence of participating in the campaign to be continued from generations to generations, and become a fundamental value of our business culture. Please do not miss his valuable chance. I am looking forward to receiving your good news. Thank you for your attention.


Yours faithfully

Chris Wong

Chris Wong

Hong Kong Correctional Services