Learning English through Short Stories – A Diary Entry


Date: 30-10-2011 (Sun)  Sunny

Unusually, I woke up at 8 today. Guess what? Today, Amy, Jack and I went to Happy Primary School telling stories to one of the Primary One classes.

Amy’s story was The Three Little Pigs and Jack told of The Little Prince. Most of the students concentrated and gave quite a lot of reaction. Honestly, I think that I was the one who had the best performance.

I chose a story which kids were very familiar with—Little Red Riding Hood. When I took out my props—puppets, I could see students’ eyes shining. There were two puppets, the Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Thanks mum for making those cute dolls for me!

Right from the beginning, the students were so attentive and threw themselves into the story. Their eyes followed the movement of my two puppets. When Little Red Riding Hood passed through the garden picking flowers, I showed a picture full of flowers to the students. Some of the girls were stunned. ‘Wow!’ they exclaimed. Cute, aren’t they?

The story went on, but I did make a change to the ending. 

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother’s home, the atmosphere turned weird. I saw the students straighten their backbones, tighten their fists. ‘No! Don’t go in!’ a boy called out, the other students parroted. I intentionally slowed down my speech:

Little Red Riding Hood walked into her grandmother’s home and called out, ‘Grandma! Here I am. I’ve brought you some stunning flowers too!’

Grandma turned around. ‘Arghhhh!’ Little Red Riding Hood shrieked. It was the Big Bad Wolf.

The Big Bad Wolf jumped in front of Little Red Riding Hood, opened its bloody mouth and stretched towards Little Red Riding Hood’s head. Seemingly it wanted to swallow her. All of a sudden, the Big Bad Wolf held Red Riding Hood’s hands and begged her. ‘Please, please, can you give me some help? One of my teeth is broken. It’s so painful that I cannot eat.’

The Big Bad Wolf ate so many candies that it suffered from tooth decay. At last, Little Red Riding Hood agreed to help it and they became good friends. 

All the students burst into laughter after the story. Hope that they will start to love stories!

It was really a good experience but it was a tiring day too! I just want to go to bed and take a rest now! G’night.