Please Protect Animals


Nowadays, animal conservation has become one of the most important issues that the public should be concerned about. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has done a lot to help animal conservation, but we need your concern and support. In Hong Kong, the number of animal abuse cases is particularly high. No matter you’re a pet owner or not, you should help to protect animals.

If you are a pet owner, we want you to understand that keeping pets is a life-long commitment. A pet is definitely not a product that you can throw away anytime you like. Once you buy the pet, there is no turning back. What you should and must do now is treat your pet as your friend and be kind to it. Do you know that animals do have feelings like we do? Pets, especially dogs, are very loyal to their masters because they know that their masters are the only ones that will feed them and take care of them. The relationship is extremely important to them. Think about your parents or your loved ones suddenly leave you on the street alone and never care about you again, then you’ll know what I mean. To pets, the degree of hurt is similar if you abandon them. Therefore, you should treat your pet well. Also, it is important that you do not do anything destructive to your pet. Don’t forget that you will receive legal punishments if you abuse your pet. Therefore, please be kind to your pet.

To those who do not own a pet, we call for your awareness of animal conservation. Since many countries are more eager to focus on economic development rather than animal conservation, it is not a major concern for the governments to protect animals. We really need you to help us, the SPCA, to achieve the goal of animal conservation. You can start with some minor things in your daily life, such as not ordering shark’s fin soup. Also, you can choose not to buy clothes made of animal fur. To learn more and contribute more, you can join us. It is very important that you contribute more to animal conservation.

To sum up, no matter you are a pet owner or not, animal conservation is definitely an important issue to you.