Rescued by Santa: A Heartwarming Christmas Reunion (2A Fung Chee Wing, Raine)


‘Thank you, my saviour! If you had not been there, I wouldn’t be able to be reunited with my beloved owner, Yasmin, at Christmas.’ Yasmin visited Santa with her parents. I was thrilled. When I looked at Santa, tears were running down my cheeks. I was finally with Yasmin again. I couldn’t control myself and hugged Santa for saving me. 

I was Yasmin’s mobile phone – an iPhone 13 with a black case. I had lived with Yasmin in Finland for over seven years. I had deep feelings for her. I stayed beside her every day. Yasmin treasured me a lot. She was my best friend ever.

Christmas holidays began. Yasmin brought me to a park with her parents two days before Christamas. The park was teeming with both children and adults. It was full of happiness and laughter. When we went through the park entrance, I had already felt the joyful atmosphere without even looking outside as I stayed in the pocket of Yasmin’s coat, feeling warm and cozy. Yasmin took me out of her pocket and took some pictures. I saw people chatting delightfully. They could not stop laughing and kept chit-chatting with each other. As I was enjoying the Christmas atmosphere, I felt some little crumbs fall down on me. Yasmin was eating a tasty, warm apple pie. I licked the pie crisps and it tasted wonderful. I hadn’t tasted such delicious food before. I was on Cloud Nine.

While the adults were sitting on the bench and relaxing, the children were singing Christmas carols. They sang ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ and ‘Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer’. It was melodious. There was also a lake near the park. Yasmin went ice-skating there with her parents. Yasmin put me on the bench and I watched her skate skilfully and  cheerfully. After an hour, Yasmin went home with her parents. She had totally forgotten me on the bench! 

Oh dear, Yasmin has forgotten me. Help me, please! I thought anxiously. 

I tried to call for help by making some noises and turning on my flashlight. I kept blinking my eyes. I tried to attract the attention of people who walked by me. ‘Help, help me, please!’ However, I could not catch anyone’s attention. I felt hopeless. 

‘I can’t see Yasmin anymore…,’ I cried. 

I was lonely. I did not know what to do. I only saw snowflakes falling above the sky. Many tiny little snowflakes combined into snow. They were like little children and formed a lovely family. I admired them so much that I wished I could have a warm family with Yasmin again. I was really worried about her. I hoped she could have a good life even if it would be without me. 

Suddenly, there was a strong and ferocious wind coming towards me. It was like a hungry dog, trying to swallow me. I dropped on the ground which was full of a lot of chilly snow by this time. It was really cold. I couldn’t stop myself from shivering. Brrrr! My circuits ran cold. A shiver ran down from my head to my charger. I was freezing. I tried to use science to help me escape from the cold. I used my black clothes – my case – that I wore on my body to melt the snow, as black is the colour which traps heat effectively. I also tried to use some of my battery to produce heat. Nevertheless, it didn’t have any effect since the weather was so icy and snowy. 

I felt hopeless. A night passed. Yasmin still had not found me. I was starving. I hadn’t eaten anything since the apple pie. I only had 10 % of battery remaining. Hours and hours passed. I could only see men and women walking around and shoe soles of each of them. A step and another step. They kept stepping on me. My screen was breaking. The snow covered my body. A thin and cold white layer of snow pierced my heart. I was panicking – blinking the screen as bright as I could. I had butterflies in my stomach. I ran out of tears.

It was 11 o’clock. There were no people walking around the park. However, I could only see a giant chubby man wearing a thick red coat with a black belt. He was also wearing 43-sized boots. He had a long white beard. Suddenly it dawned on me – it was Santa Claus! I called for help. I tried to unlock the password and played the song ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’. It worked! Santa looked at me. I was so pleased and relieved. Finally, someone found me! I was in Seventh Heaven. 

Santa took me to his workshop. He put me on a wooden desk. It was a pleasant and comfortable environment. Santa sat in a fat, bouncy and mushy arm chair. He fixed me and removed my old broken screen from my body. He stuck a shiny new screen and repaired me. He also fed me with my favourite food – battery! I ate very fast as I was ravenous. I obtained more energy. After Santa repaired me, he unlocked the password because Santa knows everything and found that my owner was Yasmin. He left the room. I felt curious. I tried to peek through the keyhole of the door. It was unbelievable. I saw elves! They were working hard making toys. Then Santa phoned Yasmin’s Dad. He told Dad that I was in the workshop. 

On the day of Christmas, Yasmin and her parents came to the workshop and met Santa. Santa picked me up and returned me to Yasmin. 

‘Yasmin, I missed you so much!’ I cried. I was touched when I saw Yasmin. 

I was like a brand new baby when it is born. I looked shiny and had a clean, smooth screen. Yasmin cuddled me tightly. She nearly burst into tears. She thanked Santa for being such a helpful, warm person. Santa gave Yasmin and I a Christmas present. Yasmin got a homemade scarf and I got new homemade clothes. It was my phone case which was made of high quality brown leather. There was a tiny little message at the bottom of my clothes.

It read: 

7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.’ 

(1 John 4:7-8)

I wondered what the meaning of the message was. I searched on the Internet. Finally, I found it. It showed the love between God and us. Each of us should love one another. The relationship between Yasmin and I would stay forever. 

Yasmin took me and went to a Christmas party with her parents. We enjoyed beautiful memories at Christmas.

Yasmin promised, ‘I won’t lose you again.’

She smiled.