A life-changing contest (4C Lau Fong Sheung)


Why I joined the talent contest

     Ever since I was little, I have always been fascinated by the wonders of the human voice. I would turn on the television and look up videos on reputable singers. In music class, I would bring along a notebook in which I had jotted down all the countless skills I was trying to hone. At home, it was either during showers or while doing homework when I had sudden bursts of fits of excitement and turned my room into a little concert. My family had always been supportive of my passion and they believed that I had a vast potential hidden inside me, waiting to be unleashed entirely. In the end, with their whole-hearted support combined with my flaming passion for music, I worked up the courage to sign up for the contest in hopes of expressing my inner emotions and mind to a wider audience through the magic of music.

How my life has changed since I won the contest

     When I first applied, becoming the champion was only ever in my dreams since there were also a handful of much more gifted contestants who all had, I believe an equally passionate heart for singing as me. Subsequently, when I heard my name announced along with the title of the first place, I was flabbergasted and only after a few days did the realization of becoming a public figure come to my mind. Before, I was simply a young adult studying in college. Now, I had pedestrians recognizing me and my classmates treated me like an idol. I feel that this marked the start of my music career and I have a vivid career conjecture in the near future. The contest has surely made my dreams come true and provided me with a broader perspective of my future.

Mental hardships throughout my journey

     Obtaining the title of champion was indeed a monumental milestone for me, but the journey was not always smooth and pleasant. Perhaps due to the immense scale of the contest, I forced myself to practise for long hours every night, which eventually put a lot of stress on me. Moreover, since we spent a lot of time preparing for one song, I, being a perfectionist, always wanted to have a perfectly melodic rhyme or lyrics or something else in order for every element in the song to compile with each other harmoniously. However, things were not perfect in nature and I treated failure with an unhealthy attitude. After my friends and mentors offered insightful advice, I learnt to accept these flaws and instead look at the brighter side by trying to convert these into something else.

My plans for the future

     As of today, I have decided to finish my final year of my degree before considering contracts with record companies and truly starting off my career of singing. I wish to be one of Hong Kong’s household names of singers and to spread the love of music to more people. I might also become a part-time music teacher in order to encourage the future pillars of society to step out of their comfort zones and go the extra mile to realise their true potential and I believe my own testimony will be a convincing inspiration to people.