True love conquers all


David fell in love with Amy the first day he saw her.  He could tell himself with certainty that he wasn’t attracted by Amy’s looks, but there was something special about her.  Fortunately, they sat next to each other.  David finally mustered up courage to ask Amy out.
‘I’d love to.’  Surprisingly, Amy answered without hesitation.
This was the first date ever in Amy’s life.  It was still unbelievable for her that the boy she fancied would date her.  With lots of joy and excitement, she started preparing her upcoming dream date by buying new clothes and having a new hairstyle.  Amy pictured herself looking stunning.
On Saturday morning, Amy got up early and started to dress herself up.  A pair of boots, colourful trousers, and a pair of golden earrings, all these revealed Amy’s determination to make an impression.  Yet the outfit was too old for her.  After promising her mother not to go home late, Amy started her ‘journey of love’.
‘Is this Amy?’  When David saw her, he thought in shock.  It was obvious that David’s facial expressions were a mixture of surprise, shock, and even disbelief.
That evening, they watched an action film and then went to a coffee shop.  But David’s silence towards Amy made her feel nervous and uncomfortable.  Everyone was looking at her, too, and she began to feel uneasy about the way she was dressed.  She finally couldn’t put up with this silence and left the coffee shop without saying a word.  It took David a few seconds to realize what had happened.  He rushed out of the coffee shop.  There was a fountain near the coffee shop.  Amy was sitting on the edge of the fountain and was crying.  Suddenly, she saw David run towards her and jump into the fountain.
‘Actually, I don’t know how to talk to the girl I like,’ David puffed, his body soaked. ‘True, your dress doesn’t suit you, but I’m glad to see it because I know… I know you do this for our date.  Now, everyone is looking at me too.  Is it fair now?’
Amy stared at the ridiculously drenched boy in front of her, and smiled tenderly.  It was their first date.
True love conquers all.  It could make you turn every single fault of your beloved into a merit.