My great Mathematics tutor


I have been afraid of Mathematics since I was in Primary One. I did not know why and I did not know how to tackle this problem. Every time when I was having Mathematics tests or exams, my hands started shaking continuously. The results of this subject have always been the worst. When I was in Primary Five, I knew that I should find a solution as I was going to get into secondary school. However, the same problem came whenever I saw the numbers, the equations and the diagrams. I felt helpless until I met her.

She has been my Mathematics private tutor since I was in Secondary Three. Several tutors had taught me before I met her. Nevertheless, none of the tutors could solve my problem and they all left me behind. I was so depressed that I thought I would never have a pass in Mathematics but things started to change when I met her.

I can still remember when we first met each other. She gave me some mathematics questions in order to test my standard. Even though I answered half of them incorrectly, she still looked very patient. She explained the questions step by step slowly in order to give me enough time to understand the procedures. None of the previous tutors did this before. It was an encouraging experience for me.

People may think that my mathematics results must have improved a lot. However, this is not the case.

She has been trying her best to change my attitude towards mathematics but not the marks. This has caused significant changes because I am not afraid of the mathematics questions and my hand do not shake anymore. I do not think that I could never get a pass in Mathematics now. Instead, I keep saying to myself, ‘I’ll finish them in a flash.’

I am going to take the HKCEE this year. There will not be the second chance for me. I aim at getting a ‘credit’ in Mathematics. I know I need to put much more effort to do the exercises. Before every test and exam, she says to me, ‘As long as you believe in yourself, you will be able to remain calm. Think of what you’ve done and practised, close you eyes and take a deep breath. Come on! I support you!’ Whenever I feel depressed and want to give up, I remember her encouragement and I do not feel afraid anymore.

She is not only my tutor, but also one of my friends. She is a caring and inspiring person who is different from other tutors I’ve ever met. She is not focusing on how many marks I can get but my attitude towards Mathematics, a subject that I have been afraid of. She has helped me to overcome my weakness. I really want to thank her for her support and encouragement