Have you made any decision that was against your parents’ will? Share your experience.


 Like most children, I have made a decision that was against my parents’ will. It was an unforgettable experience to me. When I was studying in the primary school, I went to the mainland for visiting my relatives. One day on the street…

  “I want to buy the doll!” I yelled. “The doll was pretty cute and I was afraid that it would be bought by someone else.”
  “No, you can’t! We are busy now. No one can go with you. It is very dangerous. There are a lot of thieves stealing things or even killing people if they can’t get enough money. Listen, if you want to go out, wait for us until we finish our work. Then, we will go with you. It is important for you to make yourself safe instead on buying dolls, right?”

  “No way! I can go out myself. I don’t care what thief will do on me as I know how to face this problem. I want to go now!” I walked away and ran out of my home quickly.

  I travelled to the place by bus. I stood still on the bus and looked out of the windows as I was so angry and I couldn’t think of anything. Soon, I got off the bus and walked to the shop. Fortunately, the doll was still there when I arrived at the shop. Then, I asked the shop keeper for the doll. But when I was going to pay for the doll, I found that my wallet disappeared and my bag was cut off . I couldn’t buy the doll finally and I called my mum to go back home with me. She did not get angry on me. She just said  “Now, can you understand why I don’t let you go alone? It is lucky that you did not get hurt. I will buy the doll for you later.”

  Parents’ decisions are always true in my opinion. They want to give me the best. So, I will follow the decisions of my parents after suffering this bad experience.