What are “good” and “bad”?


What are “good” and “bad” actually? Can doing the donkey work be a good thing? Is it really bad when someone has Dutch courage? You will be at a loss if someone asks you these questions. Therefore, let me share with you my answers.

“Good” is sometimes associated with happiness, justice and love. However, this depends on different people. For example, some people may hate having a blue-collar job, so it is a bad thing. Some like having the job, so it is good.

“Bad” is the opposite of “good”. It usually refers to things that make people unhappy. Just like “good”, it depends on different people. “Bad” can also mean sin. When someone has done things that break the law, that person needs to be punished. For example, when a thief is caught red-handed, he will be behind bars.

All in all, people always call a spade a spade, calling what they think is good “good”, and what they think bad “bad”. For example, people feel bad about their income below par, so people hate it. And people think that a person who is always eating humble pie and being honest is good, so they appreciate it. However, people always come to blows about what is good and what is bad, but never get a result, since there are many gray areas.

So, what do you think? What are “good” and “bad”?