Argumentative essay – Examinations encourage students to learn


Everyone has had many examinations in their lives. In school, it’s nearly impossible to never have an exam or test before. We all take exams but do we really truly understand what the meaning of “examination” is and whether it is really good for the learning of students. I disagree to the statement “Examinations encourage students to learn” and I’m going to show you why.
   First of all, I think that examinations would cause a negative competition among students. Students would only study hard to win others, they would only think of it as a competition to win others, not to learn or to gain more knowledge. Examinations don’t encourage students to learn, they only push them to study for winning others but not to learn, so I think that examinations would not motivate students to learn at all.
   Next, examinations cause students to be under a big pressure. Students always want to get high marks and be the top students because they want to be praised by others, but it’s because of this, they work very, very hard. They study day and night and this gives them a big pressure. Also examinations give students a lot of stress. This is very unhealthy to their mental health and cause immense tension. Some people say that a suitable amount of stress from examinations can force students to learn. However, I don’t think that examinations give a suitable amount of pressure but too much pressure. You can often in the newspaper that students commit suicide because their pressure from examinations is unbearable. Therefore, I think that examinations cannot push students to learn by pressure.
   What is more, I think that examinations can’t really help students to learn as students are only reciting facts and knowledge from textbooks. After the exam, these knowledge and facts will all disappear and the students wouldn’t have learnt a single thing. Exams make students recite all the facts but not really understand them and that is not real learning.
   To sum up, examinations cannot encourage students to learn as examinations would lead to negative competition among students, also it will cause a big pressure and a large amount of stress to students. This is too much for students and sometimes causes tragedies to happen. More importantly, examinations make students recite facts from their textbooks but not really understand them and this is not really learning. Therefore, I believe that examinations do not encourage students to learn.