A Mystery Location


Hello Earthlings! This is the transcription of a part of the journal written by the astronaut we sent to Earth. But the truth is, we did not know where he landed so we could not identify the location of him. Therefore, he could not carry out his duties. Would you like to help us? Thank you. Here is the journal. — (Beep)
 ‘My spaceship accidentally broke into a glass panel of a concrete base which has big bold letters showing three words, “Carmel Secondary School”. I am now in a 4-dimensional room. I can smell the odour of some particles after they have undergone thermal expansion. You can scarcely smell the fresh air outside. There is much more carbon dioxide (CO2) in the room than outside. I even have to wear the oxygen mask!’
 ‘I can taste things of various flavours. I have tasted some carbon (C), water (H2O) and some other kinds of particles. You can taste a lot of things which are delicious there. Occasionally, there are some particles that taste bad. (Maybe it tastes good to some people.)
 ‘I can always see some metal drums that have handles there. The drums are turned over with the skin facing down and the bottom part facing up. Some particles are put inside. The drums are then put on the round black “fire thing”. I think that they are volcano models that cannot eject lava. In the strange room, there is a big ET and some small ETs there. The eccentric earthlings use the particles to hit the drums, which are similar to our “shakers”. The big ET orders the small imprudent ETs to do something using the Earth language.
 ‘I can hear different types of sound. For example, I can hear the sound when the particles beat the drums and the sound of switching on the “fire thing”. The sound given out by the drums is the same as the sound of a hissing rattlesnake. The sound given out by the switch of the “fire thing” is similar to the ticking sound of a clock, but it only ticks once when you turn the switch. Of course, I have also heard some Earth language.’ — (Beep)
 Do you know where the astronaut is now? After reading the journal, could you please guess where he is? Please tell us the answer by taking our rocket to our mission base or mailing to us. (You can just simply write “To: the planet”). You can contact our only branch on the Earth at 2338 2338. Please do not hesitate. Thank you. Goodbye Earthlings!