What simile other than a bridge describes friendship?


A bridge is a good simile to describe friendship.  But maybe a clock is also a good simile.
    A clock can mean the time you have spent with your friends.  It is like a counter to see how deep your friendship with your friends is.
    A clock is also like a reminder.  It reminds you that you should treasure the time with your friends.  You may not leave your friends alone.  It’s one of the uses of the sound ‘ring!’
A clock has a light.  It is like a light and leads us.  It reminds us not to be afraid of failure.  We should cooperate with each other all the time.
Friendship can be described by a lot of things, but most importantly you should treasure it and share it with others.  Friendship is also treasure for you to find.  Although there are a lot of things to describe friendship, it is good to ask, ‘Where is your friendship?’