My dream


I remember the dream that I had last night.  It was a scary nightmare.  It was really odd.  In my dream, I was in Ocean Park.  I was with my friends, Cherry and Peony.  They are my best friends.  We always go everywhere together.  Ocean Park always makes me feel happy, but it didn’t this time…
We went into Ocean Park.  After we entered the entrance suddenly disappeared. Then, everything got worse.  The cable car was flying in the sky and the pandas got out from their houses.  There were four of them.  The pandas tried to attack me and my friends.  We fought with the pandas.  I hit the pandas’ stomachs and my friends hit the pandas’ mouths.  Soon, we escaped from the pandas.  “Hey, you are so cool! You hit the pandas in the stomach! It was so awesome!” said my friends to me.  We were quite happy at first, but then we got lost in Ocean Park.  There was no one at Ocean Park, no one who could help us.  We felt lonely and helpless.  We were nervous.  Suddenly, it started o rain.  We were soaked wet, so we decided to find a place to have a rest.  While we were having a rest, a thunderstorm broke out.  The sky lit up with a bright flash, followed by a loud thunderous clap.  We all screamed!   I cried because I was so scared.  I hate thunderstorms!
 Later, my mobile rang.  In my dream, I thought that I should answer the call.  My mobile kept on ringing and ringing.  Soon I realized it was actually my alarm clock. Then I woke up. This dream was so horrible.  I hope I won’t have any more of these kinds of dreams again.