The Animal Friends


I have a lion, a powerful invincible beast.

When he roars, everyone freezes.

He himself can eat the whole feast.

He is the strongest fighter I have ever met.

I call him ‘Dai-lo’.


I also have a dog.

Faithful and friendly as he always is.

As a dog, he is in fact a bit overweight.

He is the one sitting next to me in 2C and I call him ‘Gou-jai’.


I have a panda too.

He is so straight forward as he is sincere and true.

He sleeps always on the bus.

He is my best friend and I call him Carlos.


I have a pig.

He eats much as a pig does.

He has a pig’s brain.

He is short and I call him ‘Fei-chai’.


Finally, there’s me.

I know what I am.

I’m the smart liar, the most cunning fox among my friends.



Daniel Kwok

2C 2014-15