Dream follows ambition; hope follows courage. Turn your face towards danger; set your heart on victory.
At some point in life, we must learn to dream big and dare to dream wild. For dreaming and defining one’s goal is what motivates us in life. It provides us with a purpose to wake up every morning, to fill our hours with buzzing plans and to carry us through each and every day. Otherwise, life would quickly turn dull and insipid. We, as human beings, cannot endure a robotic life with no destination or gain at the end. We need to experience vibe and zeal. That is why some people dream of having children, because children can give people a life-time of purposes. Nurturing, raising, educating, planning… all these provides people a reason to stay alive. Without purpose, life would not be worth living.
To have big dreams is not just about filling one’s life with purpose, it is also about creating the initiation to make a successful person out of oneself. The legendary Coco Chanel, who was born a lowly commoner and spend the most of her childhood in an orphanage, dreamed of becoming a fashion prodigy. She believed in her dreams and never thought that her dream was beyond her birth status. In the end she became so much more. She transcended time and space to make elegant yet comfortable clothing and aided the emancipation of women. Her legacy is continued in the Chanel Boutiques present worldwide. No matter what we dream of becoming- curer of cancer, astronomer, chef, drop out of school and become an actor/singer- they give us the incentive to make things happen. So that others will one day admire and respect us for what we did; so that we ourselves can be satisfied with not letting our life go to waste.
Having dreams helps us to discover who we are as a person. During the journey of pursuing one‘s dreams, we face numerous challenges, we interact with various people as well as learn to handle adversities. Thus we learn about our personal strengths and limits, we discover who we are and what we want from our lives. This helps us grow, mature and become what we want to be. Dreams can change during different stages in life. And that is completely natural. For it is the first dream that helps one understand oneself and re-define one’s goals more clearly. Hence leading to the next dream, and many more.
Some may argue that having dreams is futile. Many people had dreams when they were young. Yet as they grew older, they found themselves restricted to all sorts of obligations that hampered the pursuit of their dreams. Having to support one’s family for instance, or lacking sufficient time. Yet is that a sound reason to abandon one’s cherished dreams? Life can be cruel and merciless to our whims, but we still need to preserve in our dreams. For they give us hope and direction. Besides, when there is a will, there is a way. Like Chanel, Donald Trump and many other successful people, a few hindrances mean nothing. As long as we have determination and will, there is no reason not to dream.
By daring to dream, life ceases to be dreadful and monotone. It is a first step to success and the gateway to discovering who we are. Dreams are indispensable.