Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of dating when in F.5.


  Nowadays, it is commonly found that youngsters, reaching puberty, look forward to dating and they are keen on developing a love relationship at an early stage. I am writing to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dating when in F.5.

        The first advantage of dating in F.5 is that under the huge pressure from the public examination HKCEE, teens can enjoy romantic fun to ease their worries. If the students can strike a balance between study and dating, dating can be an effective way to relieve their pressure, even enhancing their learning efficiency. In addition, the youngsters can become intimate friends who can share more in-depth feelings and struggles which they may not expose to others. It can be a support to them as they are facing stiff academic competition and other challenges.

        It is also said that when the young couples deal with mutual disagreements, they can understand better on how to get along with the opposite sex. This encourages the youngsters to think from the different perspectives, which is important to them when they have to work with people of a different gender in the future.

        Yet, I am rather reserved about the benefits of dating at the critical stage of F.5. There are doubts on whether teens are mature enough to handle the conflicts with the opposite sex and their studies at the same time. The quarrels between the young couples can drive them crazy. Not only the teens have to focus on the preparation of CE, but they have also to figure out what their boyfriends or girlfriends are thinking. Furthermore, the teens are likely to spend a lot of time on dating, which makes it even more difficult to revise under the packed schedule of schoolwork. In short, dating is surely a big distraction for the S5 students to concentrate on their study, which is actually what they should focus at the moment.

       Moreover, dating may not be as sweet as expected if the teens know what love is. Dating is far more than shopping, watching movies and having meals together. If they don’t handle the relationship properly, dating can be destructive. For example, when the youngsters do not uphold a high moral boundary, they may have pre-martial sex and even abortion at the stage of F.5. When the young lovers break up, there will be deep mental scars to both the girls and boys. Therefore, they are not that well prepared to be involved in love when they are in F.5.

     All in all, there are both bright and down sides to dating in F.5. Personally I don’t think F.5 students should date because it is very hard to make a balanced time management between study and dating. The best love experience is yet to come, but definitely not in F.5