Dear Mrs Leung
I was very sad when I’d heard the news that you would retire after this school year. It would be a great loss to Carmel.
I think that you’re really a good principal. The first time I talked with you was in Form 2. I was the MC on the Information Day and we needed to practise and practise day after day. Later on, in the project learning, my group sent me to interview you again. The most incredible things happened. When I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop outside school, you came. You called my name and talked to me. I was surprised that you could still remember my name. In this school, there were hundreds of students. I was just one of them and just a tiny one. But you could still remember my name. This showed that you’re really a principal that cares the students.
Although I am not happy with your decision to retire this year, I fully support your idea. In my heart, you’re the best principal. I’m very glad that I’ve had many chances to talk to you and share with you.
You once asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. You said that I looked like a doctor. I was really happy to hear that. I set this to be my goal and I hope that I can be a doctor one day!
I know it’s hard for you to make a decision to retire but I still support your decision and I really hope that you can enjoy your life after retiring.
Best wishes