Dear Mrs Leung
I am Francis Chu from 4D. I have to admit that when I first tried to write this letter, I had absolutely no idea about how to write it. I knew I could have just written a very formal letter to you, but I thought that you’d be very blasé about reading another formal letter. No, not this time. This time, I think you deserve to receive an informal letter from your student. You may not know this student very well but there’s one thing for sure – that’s this student would love to tell you what it’s like to have you to be his principal.
I remember when I first got a glimpse of you in the school opening ceremony in S.1, my first impress of you is: she is a very kind principal! You’ve always got a smile on your face as if it’s your innate facial expression. Normally, when people are referring to a principal, they’ll always think of a strict looking man or woman. But you’re an exception.
Though I’ve said you are kind, I don’t mean you’re weak or easy to be bullied. I think you are much stronger than you appear. Why do I say this? Because I remember earlier this year, during a routine morning assembly, you gave us a speech about your struggle in Form One. You said that you used to be the top three students in your primary school. However, when you were in Form One, your result dropped drastically. To my dismay, you didn’t buckle under the pressure. You found out the root of problem – your English standard. You were determined to solve this problem – and you finally did, becoming one of the top students in your form again. Such strong determination can only be possessed by a strong person. This is what I want to learn from you.
I wonder if you could still remember that we have recently talked on the phone. That day, I went home late because I had to help decorating the board of my class. I’ll never forget the moment when I had just gone back home, my father told me, ‘Your teacher wants to talk with you.’ Stunned, I picked up the phone and I heard your voice! At that time, I was like being struck by a thunder. ‘What have I done? Why does the principal want to talk to me? Will I be punished?’ I almost passed out! Fortunately, it turned out that you just happened to receive my father’s call, which should have been picked up by the janitors or the teachers, My dad called the school because I had not returned home. You only told me to call my parents when I know that I will go home late. You didn’t scold me! I was really relieved.
After the little chat on the phone, I decided to make some promises to myself and you. I promise to be a diligent, determined, disciplined and punctual student. You’re my witness.
I know that you’ll be retiring after the end of this school year. Even though I don’t want you to leave, I still understand that you have to leave. Your devotion to Carmel and your dedication have been tremendous. I hereby whish you to have a decent and contented life in your retirement.
Best wishes